Digital Potentiometers perform the same functions as mechanical pots but can be automated. So how do they work?
What are Potentiometers?
A mechanical potentiometer is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating contact. It generally has three pins (A, Wiper, B or 1, Wiper, 2) and comes in many forms ranging from large panel mount devices to small trimpots designed for PCB adjustments.![pot_types](https://arduinoplusplus.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/pot_types.jpg?w=640)
All pots are mechanically similar and consist of a resistive element, a sliding contact (wiper) that moves along the element making electrical contact along its length, electrical terminals at each end of the element (pins A and B), a mechanism that moves the wiper from one end to the other, and a housing to contain and protect the element and wiper.
Pots are generally referenced by form factor and overall resistance (the resistance between terminals A and B).
The device can form an adjustable voltage divider if all three terminals are used or, if only two terminals are used (one end and the wiper), it acts as a variable resistor or rheostat.
What is a Digital Potentiometer?
Simply put, a digital potentiometer (aka digipot) is electronic hardware that performs the same functions as analog potentiometers, but they have no moving parts.The digipot is a mixed signal device. The analog portion is the three terminal ‘analog’ pot. The digital portion contains the interface, control, and registers associated with the device management. The digital signals and settings control the resistance between terminals and wiper.
There are may brands and types of digipots available. One example is the MicroChip MCP 41xxx family of devices, where xxx is the size of the digipot resistance (eg, 010 for 10kΩ, 100 for 100kΩ).
The MCP41xxx are implemented as an IC package with one potentiometer per package (a ‘single channel’), an SPI interface to the microcontroller and three ‘pot’ terminals (A, Wiper and B) that behave just like their mechanical counterparts when used within the manufacturers specifications.
Controlling a Digipot
Pot control is through the SPI interface writing to the 8-bit pot control register. As the pot setting is one byte in size (0-255), these pots can only be set in increments of 1/255th of the full scale resistance of the pot. For example, a 10kΩ pot can be set in increments of 10,000/255 ohms per step (or 39.2Ω/step). In practice this is not a major limitation when using a digipot.The code below is an example of how this is done. In this simple example the pot setting register is ramped through the 255 steps with a pause in between each so that the multimeter readings could be observed.
/* MCP41xxx Digital Pot Control This example controls an MCP41xxx digital potentiometer. PBn - One side of potentiometer PWn - Pot wiper PAn - Other side of potentiometer The MCP41xxx is SPI-compatible. The hardware is managed by sending two bytes: BYTE 1 - is a command byte (NOP, WRITE, SHUTDOWN) BYTE 2 - is the data byte (new setpoint value 0-255). The MCP IC circuit: * PB0 No connection * PA0 Connect to multimeter to measure resistance * PW0 Connect to multimeter to measure resistance * CS - to digital pin 10 (SS pin) * SDI - to digital pin 11 (MOSI pin) * CLK - to digital pin 13 (SCK pin) */ #include <SPI.h> // Define the MCP41100 OP command bits (only one POT) // Note: command byte format xxCCxxPP, CC command, PP pot number (01 if selected) #define MCP_NOP 0b00000000 #define MCP_WRITE 0b00010001 #define MCP_SHTDWN 0b00100001 // Define the slave select for the digital pot const int ssMCPin = 10; #define WAIT_DELAY 1000 void SPIWrite(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t data, uint8_t ssPin) // SPI write the command and data to the MCP IC connected to the ssPin { SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(14000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0)); digitalWrite(ssPin, LOW); // SS pin low to select chip SPI.transfer(cmd); // Send command code SPI.transfer(data); // Send associated value digitalWrite(ssPin, HIGH);// SS pin high to de-select chip SPI.endTransaction(); } void setup() { pinMode (ssMCPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ssMCPin, HIGH); SPI.begin(); Serial.begin(57600); Serial.println(F("[MCP Digital Pot Test]")); } void loop() { // step through the range of the digital pot for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { Serial.println(i); SPIWrite(MCP_WRITE, i, ssMCPin); delay(WAIT_DELAY); } delay (WAIT_DELAY*5); }
MicroChip Technology Inc., 2003, “MCP41xxx/MCP42xxx Single/Dual Potentiometer with SPI™ Interface”, Product DatasheetMicroChip Technology Inc, 2001, “AN691 Optimizing Digital Potentiometer Circuits to Reduce Absolute and Temperature Variations”, Application Note
Semiconductor Components Industries LLC, July 2013, “AND8414/D Everything You Wanted to Know About Digital Potentiometer (POT)”, Rev 1, Application Note